How to repair a car battery. How to restore a car battery How to Revive a battery at home
Because of the "death" of the battery. This is one of the smaller problems you can fix on your own. To do this, you do not need to contact a gas station or go to the store for a new battery. Let's see how to charge a maintenance-free (or repaired) battery that is long in your garage or simply discharged during the natural operation process.
Why is the battery broken?
Before you figure out how to resuscitate the battery, you need to understand why it fails. There could be several reasons:
Sulfation Plate. This is one of the most common reasons for the rapid loss of battery. Most often, the battery capacity can be restored.
One of the units stops working due to a short circuit. By closing two contact plates, one of the battery cells overheats, the battery capacity decreases, and often the charge is not even enough to start the car.
Electrolytic Gel. If you use a low-density battery, the electrolyte can freeze in winter. The battery housing can crack and deform the plates. If the electrolyte freezes inside, in 90% of cases the battery must be thrown away and a new one purchased.
Distribution of coal plates. In this case, the battery is not restored.
In summary, there are only two reasons for a battery failure:
Manufacturing defects (e.g. coating of inferior plates).
Wrong operation. Most often, this means sulfation of the plates.
Note that sulfation is the most common cause of poor performance in maintenance-free automotive batteries. Let us, therefore, look more closely at a similar malfunction. Note that the following tips apply only to acid batteries. Alkaline batteries are repaired differently, but they are almost never used in cars.
Sulfation of plates
The operating principle of each car battery is based on the use of liquid electrolytes. The main feature of the electrolyte is the density, which should be in the range of 1.25 to 1.27 g / cm3 for a charged battery.
During the charging process, the active ingredients accumulate on the lead plates, the density of the electrolyte increases due to the absorption of distilled water. When the battery is discharged, the density decreases, the sulfuric acid is absorbed and the distillate is released.
During energy absorption, lead sulfate crystals form on the plates, which do not have a negative effect on the operation of the battery. These crystals are small at low load and with consistent battery consumption, they simply blur. With a deep discharge, however, the crystals increase significantly and reach a large volume, which is why they do not dissolve in the electrolyte. Therefore, the plates of the work surface are reduced by lead sulfates, the battery capacity decreases. This process is called sulfation.
Maintenance-Free Batteries
Maintenance-free batteries differ from maintenance-free batteries in that there is no access to banks. Therefore, the density of the electrolyte cannot be checked. Some recommend making holes at the top to get inside, but there may be a ventilation system. The electrolyte level in the pots is determined with a bright flashlight that illuminates through the battery. If the level is below the standard, a hole is made in the housing (above the electrolyte level) and distilled water is added with a syringe. The hole is sealed. Otherwise, maintenance-free batteries are no different from revised batteries and their restoration is done in the same way.
Before charging low-capacity maintenance-free batteries, the plates must be desulphurized. To do this, one of the following three methods can be used:
Physical cleaning of the plates.
Dry Cleaning.
With a charger.
Physical Cleaning
This method is one of the most extreme and involves manual cleaning of the contact plates. It is called extreme due to the fact that there is the acid in the battery and when it comes into contact with the skin, it can be harmful. Therefore, you need to perform the following steps very carefully:
- The entire electrolyte is drained.
- The windows must be made in the top cover. This is done with a soldering iron or a jigsaw.
- Now the plates are removed through the hole, cleaned.
- After that, they are thoroughly washed with distilled water.
- The inside of the cans is also rinsed with distillate.
- The panels are placed in the pot, the windows are sealed with plastic.
- The battery is filled with electrolyte at the required level.
The battery is charging.
It seems that there is nothing complicated here, but the lead plates are quite fragile, especially after a long-term operation ... Therefore, before you revive the battery in this way, try to do a dry cleaning first.
The chemical method
For desulphation in this way, a chemical solution "Trilon B" is required. This process takes only 1-2 hours, but the difficulty lies in preparing the solution. The cleaning process is as follows:
The car battery is fully charged.
The electrolyte is drained.
The banks are washed with distilled water.
The solution "Trilon B" is paid up the inside. It should stay indoors for about an hour. The process of dissolution of sulfates must go hand in hand with cooking and the development of gas. The reaction will end in an hour. The old solution of Trilon B is drained. You can fill a new part of the solution, although this is not necessary since the first had to cope.
The battery is rinsed again with distilled water.
The electrolyte is poured in.
The battery is charged again.
With this method, many car owners try to determine whether a maintenance-free battery can be charged. Of course, it is possible, and in this case, it is necessary. This recovery method is very effective after a deep discharge of the battery.
How do I charge a maintenance-free battery with the charger?
The easiest way is to use a charger to restore capacity and desulfate the battery. This process is simple but time-consuming. There are several ways to carry out repairs, but both are based on changing a complete discharge with a car battery.
Due to the frequent discharge and charging of the battery, the sulfates on the plates dissolve naturally, as is the case with actively used batteries. However, before charging the battery maintenance-free, it is necessary to check the electrolyte level inside. And if the level is lower than normal, it is necessary to supplement with distilled water. It is impossible to add electrolytes as their density increases during desulfation.
To perform desulfation in this way, just a feeder with desulfation function. It connects to the battery and nothing else is needed by the user. The device charges the battery itself and then delivers the charge for discharging. The charging and charging intervals may vary, but the gasoline does not change much. The disadvantage of this method is the cost of the loader itself-its price can reach 5-10 thousand rubles.
Restoration with a conventional charger
Of course, if the battery is completely discharged from sulfates, you can try to get rid of these crystals yourself with a conventional "charger". How do I charge the battery maintenance-free in this case? To do this, you need to charge the battery, disconnect the charger, connect a household appliance for discharging, then reconnect the charger, etc. It may take some time, but the purpose is to charge and discharge the battery, which causes the sulfates to dissolve on the plates.
The battery is charged with a low current. We install on the charger 14 V and 0.8 - 1 A. So the battery must be charged within 8 hours. When the electrolyte begins to boil, the current must be reduced.
The voltage increases in the battery. After 8 hours of charging, turn off the device and wait a day.
Now we charge again for 7-8 hours with increased current (2-2, 5 A).
As a result, the voltage and density of the electrolyte increases.
Now, we will discharge the battery 9 V. connect a normal street lamp (car) and wait until the battery is discharged.
We repeat this cycle until the voltage is 12 V, and the normal density of the electrolyte.
This method showed high efficiency and made it possible to revive very neglected batteries. Its disadvantage lies in the length of the process itself and the user's intervention. It is much easier to connect a charger with desulphation function.
Now you know how to charge batteries maintenance-free and carry out the process yourself. But even if the methods described above have not helped, you need to go to the store for a new battery ... And in general, the battery is consumable, which must be changed sooner or later.
How can I restore a car battery? This question is not only for beginners but also for experienced drivers. Finally, the performance of the vehicle and the launch speed depend on its proper operation.
Before restoring a car battery with your own hands, the causes of the failure are investigated.
The capacity is wasted for several reasons:
Formation of lead sulfate. Such a malfunction occurs constantly. The deterioration of the battery can be determined by a loss of charge.
Failure of the bank that is part of the power source. This occurs due to a short circuit that occurs between the lead plates. With further use, the electrolytic composition begins to boil, the capacity decreases.
Destruction of lead plates. The residues penetrate the electrolytic composition and change its properties. In these cases, the battery of the battery is not restored.
Freezing of electrolytic composition. Some batteries are filled with a denser substance. At negative temperatures, the composition freezes, the body collapses. It is impossible to resuscitate the battery with your own hands.
From the above, we can conclude that the malfunction of the battery is due to a malfunction of the power source.
Effective Ways To Restore The Car Battery
Knowing how to restore the car battery itself, you can get rid of many problems.
Desulfation of lead plates
In lead supplies, when energy is absorbed, crystals are formed, including lead sulfate. With constant use, the sulfation hardly affects the battery performance. A dependency can be traced :
A small discharge leads to the appearance of small crystals. They dissolve quite quickly in the electrolytic composition.
After a deep discharge, large sulfates form. They will not be destroyed.
The cleaning of the lead plates is carried out:
1. Physical
The car battery is removed at home. The plates are then removed and cleaned. To facilitate the removal process, holes are formed in the lid. For these purposes, a soldering iron is used, with which it is easier to carry out the work.
The dishes cleaned by hand are washed. Distilled water is used for this purpose. It is also necessary to rinse the inside of the box. Finally, flushing the battery helps restore performance.
After that, the plates are replaced, filled with electrolytic composition. The battery is charging.
It is difficult to implement this method because the integrity of the plates is easy to break.
2. Chemical
A solution containing active ingredients is used for cleaning. Chemical recovery of the battery takes 1 to 3 hours. But before implementation, the preparation of the substance is necessary.
The power supplies are gradually restored:
- Full charge of the battery.
- Emptying of the electrolytic composition.
- Cleaning, rinsing the car battery. Distilled water is used for these purposes.
- The solution is poured for 1-2 hours. This time is sufficient for the sulfates to dissolve. The gases are released during the process.
- It is important to wash the battery again. Finally, the remains of sulfate must be removed from the interior of the housing.
- Fill the electrolyte composition with the required power.
- Charging the power source.
- During chemical cleaning, lead can penetrate into the boxes between the plates. This often leads to a short circuit.
Resuscitation with a charger
How can I restore an old battery myself? Chargers can be used. But here takes a lot of time and effort. Finally, a change of the discharge-charge of the battery is required. This leads to the gradual dissolution of lead sulfates.
Check the electrolyte level before use. If necessary, fill electrolyte or distilled water before charging.
The restoration is carried out with a conventional or impulse load. When choosing an option, it is necessary to take into account the condition of the battery and the duration of its operation.
Charging Impulse
To revive the battery source, a charger is used, which is equipped with the following functions:
Charge pulse.
Such a unit is delivered to the car battery, which they are trying to revive. The wires are connected to the source first. The memory is then fed into the network.
The charge is delivered for 9-10 minutes at low current. Then, the corresponding load is applied. This is enough to fully discharge the power supply.
The installation of other slots is also allowed.
The pulse charge is used when the state of the battery is normal. After all, the cost of such a device is quite high.
Standard memory usage
The revival of the battery is also possible with a standard charger. Before proceeding with the restoration, you need to clean the device, remove oxide residues, stains from the electrolytic composition.
Charge the power source with the low current for 9-10 hours. The current level is reduced when the unit heats up excessively, the electrolyte composition boils. If everything is done correctly, the tension increases slightly.
The battery is separated from the charge. It is left standing for 12 to 24 hours.
Reconnect to memory. The current rises to 2.5 A for 6-8 hours. This contributes to an increase in the density of the electrolytic composition, an increase in voltage.
Discharge of the power source at 8-9 V. For this purpose, a lamp is brought to the device.
The measurements are repeated until the optimal density is determined, the voltage is 12-12. 5 V.
It takes longer to restore the battery with a normal charge. But even old energy sources can be revived with his help.
Storage Battery-Banks ' Short-Circuit
Such failure leads to irreversible consequences if you do not take timely action. Finally, the performance of "cans" in good condition gradually deteriorates as a huge current flows through them.
To restore the car battery, the following measurements are performed:
Identify the bank that failed. During charging, the cell that does not work boils or does not work at all.
The electrolytic composition is drained from the damaged box. Such actions are carried out with rubber gloves. Because when the electrolyte comes into contact with the skin, combustion is formed.
Holes are prepared through which the lead plates are removed. They are washed with distilled water.
Determination of the cause of the short circuit. In old batteries, the reason is the sediment that accumulates at the bottom of the box. Therefore, you need to know how to rinse the glass.
The lead plates are placed in a cleaned pot, the electrolyte is poured.
The formed hole is carefully sealed.
With careful execution of all processes, the power source is restored.
Resuscitation of a maintenance-free battery
Maintenance-free power supplies can also be restored. Finally, it is forbidden to make a hole in the lid, as it negatively affects the exhaust gases.
The process of unsupervised resuscitation of car batteries includes:
Determination of the level of electrolytic composition. For this purpose, the body is illuminated by a lighting device.
If there is a shortage in the apartment, a hole is prepared. It should be slightly above the electrolyte level. The hole size is 2-4mm.
Filling with distilled water. It is carried out with a syringe.
The hole can be closed by welding.
The capacity of the device is restored by unloading and loading. These processes are carried out cyclically.
Restoration of helium supply
The resuscitation of Helium-power supplies is easier. Finally, it is not necessary to prepare holes. Recovery includes the following actions:
- Remove the top cover.
- Carefully remove the rubber plugs under the lid.
- Translucent boxes included in the composition. Banks are considered healthy if the internal elements are retained. If waste or other contamination is detected, the revival of energy sources is not carried out.
- Distilled water is added to each (1 to 2 cubes). The source is then sealed. This procedure is carried out carefully to ensure tightness.
The recovery of a helium battery is not carried out in such cases:
- Complete destruction of the lead plates. This can be the result of prolonged use of power supplies at high temperatures.
- Inflated Power Source.
- Resuscitation and distilled water
- You can also revive a car battery with distilled water. This method takes between 45 and 60 minutes.
When the battery is fully discharged, it is charged before resuscitation. The electrolytic composition is then drained. For this purpose, the caps, which are concentrated on the lid, are screwed together.
The body and the elements are washed with distilled water. After that, a special solution is poured, with which the desulphation is carried out.
The process of desulphation is accompanied by the development of the gas. Therefore, it is better to place the recovery source in a room where the ventilation system works.
Distilled water is used for cleaning. The rinsing process is carried out 2-3 times. Only then is an electrolyte composition poured in, which has the required density.
The revived power supply is connected to the charger and the network.
This method of recovery is easy to implement. Therefore, it can be used by beginners, experienced motorists. But the lifespan of a recovered food is difficult to determine. It all depends on the:
- Maintenance speed.
- Compliance with the Terms of Use.
- The frequency of use of the vehicle.
For example, frequent use of a discharged car battery means that it cannot be recovered.
The process of restoring an automotive energy source includes many aspects, rules. And it depends on how exactly they are implemented when you can activate the unit again. Therefore, all steps should be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of specialists.
Battery recovery video using different methods
Car enthusiasts face batteries that have lost their power in many ways. Some decide to immediately get rid of the unnecessary item by going into the store for a new battery. Others, in order to save money, always try to restore a bad battery, test all possible methods ... In both cases, measures may be justified, as repairing the battery is not so easy and the presence of toxic liquids inside becomes a warning for inexperienced motorists. However, if you follow the safety rules and follow the practical experience of experienced craftsmen, battery life can be extended by at least six months.
The reasons for the" death " of the battery
How can I restore the volume of the battery?
The cheapest auto / accurate repair is to repeatedly charge a defective battery with short interruptions. A series of such loads increases the voltage of the cell, After which it no longer perceives the effect of the current. On the other hand, the electrode potential equalization is started in the intervals between the operations. Normalization of a condition of plates promotes the transition of density of an electrolyte in a space between electrodes from pores to the surface of plates. Thus, during the breaks, the voltage on the battery decreases and with progressive charging, the battery gradually gains volume.
This technique not only allows the repair of car batteries, but also the recovery of batteries of similar composition from other devices, and even electronic devices ... With simple manipulation with fillers, the density of the electrolyte increases. , Acquisition of a normal operating condition. The charging time is determined by the specific battery model and is usually 6 to 8 hours. The breaks between them vary between 8 and 16 hours.
Full Disulfation of the battery
It is not so common that the battery has completely lost volume due to the development and damage caused by sulfate. Normally, the batteries are repaired or discarded until now, as it is impossible to use them in this condition. Despite the severity of the injury in this case it is quite possible to repair the battery with your own hands with the disulphate ionsmethode. The essence of recovery is the long-term supply and high-voltage retention to the battery. But even here you can not do without small breaks, because an increase in the voltage contributes to the intensity of the gas development, which is undesirable for safety reasons.
Thus, disulfation is performed according to the following instructions:
- The water is poured into the battery.
- A current is connected to the power supply.
- Initially, approx. 14.4 V are delivered in two 13-minute cycles.
- Then two more cycles are carried out, but already with a voltage of 14.6 V.
An increase in voltage should be performed until a significant increase in capacity. In this way, any type of battery can be repaired. But if the recovery process does not yield any results, it only remains to throw away the device.
Quick recovery of battery
With this technique, you can restore the battery in an hour. A fully discharged battery must be charged. After that, the entire electrolyte is drained and the cavity is washed several times with distilled water. Then an ammonia solution is used, therefore, such a repair, car batteries should be carried out with a maximum insulation of the body against possible contact with the substance.
The composition used must contain 2% (p / p) trilon and 5% ammonia. The chemical mixture acts as an activator of the disulfation process, which lasts on average 40 to 60 minutes. Rapid repair of a battery with a solution should be accompanied by the development of the gas and the appearance of small stains. If the gas development stops, the process can be interrupted.
Constant Voltage Battery Repair
This method is somewhat similar to exposure to a high voltage battery, but has its own characteristics. A discharged battery is delivered with a stable charge of approx. 15 V. You can't increase them, but you shouldn't decrease them either. The battery should remain in this state for 12-13 hours, after which it must be discharged easily. Under constant voltage, repairing the battery delivers volume recovery results of almost 100%. This process can be repeated twice, then the voltage in the battery can be measured. If it is about 13 V, this means that the item works properly and can be used. If this number does not exceed 10 V, the battery can be discarded.
Avoidance of battery malfunction
First of all it is necessary to monitor the level and condition of the electrolyte in the battery sections. In addition, it is necessary to keep the tightness of the housing and the integrity of its elements, including the battery terminal - the quality of the power supply depends largely on. You also need to protect the battery from external influences, especially at low temperatures. IN winter, it is advisable not to leave the device in the car, but to bring it overnight to a garage or house (if it is possible to isolate it from the living spaces). The quality of the work and the durability of the battery also largely depend on the proper execution of the charging process. Compliance with operating standards extends the battery life by several years.
Probably, every motorist at least once faced with a situation where, for some reason, he refused to work. It is a serious Problem, if you need to go somewhere urgently. Many will buy a new battery. But knowing that you can not only restore the battery at home, but also extend its life for several years.
How the batteries are arranged, how they work
The battery is a sealed plastic container with negative and positive lead plates installed inside. In modern models, the plates can not only drive, but also nickel, cadmium, and other alloys.
Sulfuric acid is also inside-this creates galvanic steam.
When the current is applied to the battery terminals, energy storage begins. When the maximum capacity is reached, the battery turns into a power source with a voltage of 12 V.
Every time the car owner starts his car, the battery loses power. But as soon as the engine starts, the generator must replenish its energy reserves. But this is only ideal. Therefore, sometimes at the limit, but how to revive the battery, a motorist, especially a beginner, does not always know. There are many reasons for the battery to fail. Statistics show that a large number of batteries fail due to sulfation and dissipation of the spread.
Sulfation is one of the reasons for battery failure
Thus, a typical battery is Lead in sulfuric acid plates. This metal is easily destroyed by the action of weak acids, e.g. acetic acid. But sulfuric acid is not dangerous for him at all, even if it is very concentrated or heated. The film, which is formed by the reaction of sulfuric acid and lead, protects the metal from destruction.
A storage battery is a chemical type of power source. When the battery is charged, sulfuric acid is present in the electrolyte. When the battery is discharged, it is on the electrodes as sulfate. The operation is reversible when it is loaded and it is a normal operation.
If the battery remains discharged for a long time, the lead sulfates begin to dissolve and therefore form on the electrodes as large, insoluble crystals.
The sulfate layer is an insulator. As a result, part of the battery capacity is lost, and if the battery is long empty, it dies.
The diagnosis of sulfation is very simple: the battery capacity is quickly lost, there is not enough power to start the engine, the electrolyte boils and the plates overheat. Higher end voltages are also observed.
Calcium sulfates
In modern batteries, lead is doped with calcium. This allows you to practically minimize the boiling of water and reduce self-discharge. However, if the battery is sufficiently discharged, the electrodes are covered. Charging this battery will not work completely. Due to the fact that such a battery increases, it is assumed that it must be charged with voltages of 15 V.this is a mistake. You need to know exactly how to revive the battery, otherwise, you can kill it completely.
Distribution of the plates of coal
This is also a fairly common reason why batteries fail. The diagnosis is simple-sulfuric acid darkens. In this case, there is a risk of battery death - unfortunately, a task such as reviving a car battery cannot be solved in this case.
However, the functional principle remained the same. The plates are covered with lead oxide paste. This part or grease is retained on the electrodes due to the adhesive properties and plate design. It crumbles due to vibrations, sulfation, temperature fluctuations. The process of loss is quite natural. This indicates an aging battery. Careful handling of the battery significantly increases the service life.
How to revive a car battery
The reasons are clear. In the warranty coupons for cars, the driver is, in this case, only a recommendation to replace the battery. But there are options to restore the power source.
How to increase capacity and density
The most important method used for most different modifications of the battery is charging with low current. The battery is quickly charged and discharged. In a short time, the power supply stops charging. Here you need to take a break and then repeat the cycle.
You need to know exactly how to revive the car battery - if you choose the wrong charging settings, you can completely destroy the battery. Therefore, the current strength should be only 4-6% of the battery capacity. For example, for batteries with 60 Ah, the charging current does not exceed 3.6 A. Often, the duration of such a cycle is about 6-8 hours. Break-8 am to 4 pm. recovery can take 5 to 6 of these cycles.
You can stop the process when it has recovered and the voltage level is within the limits allowed for a certain battery.
Home Correction procedures
This option is suitable for those who do not have time. Experienced car enthusiasts have used it for a long time. If someone did not know how to resuscitate the battery, this method consists of dissolving the sulfates by rinsing with special solutions.
The first step is to charge the battery to its maximum capacity. Then, the electrolyte is drained and the interior is washed 2-3 times with distilled water. Then Trilon B is poured into the cavity and the battery is left for an hour. When the reaction is finished, it will be visible. The development of the gas will stop. Repeat the procedure if the plates are not sufficiently cleaned. Finally, the battery is washed again, the electrolyte is poured in the standard way and loaded.
How to revive an old car battery
Battery manufacturers recommend disposing of old batteries at the end of life. Do not rush, there is an opportunity to revive her. Today, companies in many cities buy old batteries-they revive them and sell them at an acceptable price.
If there is one in the garage, you can try to bring him back to his old skills. You just need to know how to revive the old battery to make everything okay. After all, even a Chinese battery costs at least 2000 rubles, and that's nothing, but still money and you can save it.
Going to treat
The first step is to identify the malfunction. The black electrolyte consists of broken carbon plates. Capacity fell-sulfation. It is also possible for the plates to close, but we will describe below how to revive the battery with such a problem. A serious case is that the inflated sides of the battery. It's just a substitute.
How to handle the closure of the plate
To eliminate this problem, a special addition helps.
It is added to the electrolyte, the density of which is 1.28 g / cm3, and left there for two days. After that, the mixture is poured into a battery and the density is measured. If the display remains at the same level, it is loaded and unloaded. If no heating or cooking is observed in the process, the current can be halved.
After two hours, the density of the electrolyte is measured again. If this is normal again, the charging process is interrupted. The battery can be considered restored. If the density has increased, add water. If it decreases, then sulfuric acid. Then the charge is executed again.
Repair of closures: method number 2
To eliminate the short circuit, the problem area is burned with high currents ... To do this, simply connect the battery to the welding machine with the current should be 100 A. The circuit is closed only for a few seconds.
About maintenance-free batteries
The manufacturers have replaced these batteries only.
How to revive an unattended battery is not described in the manual. But there is still a long way to go.
The first step is to drain the electrolyte and replace it with distilled water. Then the battery is charged with a constant voltage of 14 V. After a few hours you should hear what is happening in the battery. The process must be accompanied by gas formation. With the intensive release, the current is reduced.
In two weeks, the battery converts water into electrolyte and lead sulfate is converted into sulfuric acid.
After two weeks, the contents are drained and the water is poured again, and this process is repeated again. When desulphation is complete, you can pour normal electrolytes and charge the battery with standard parameters.
The modern manufacturer does not say how to properly reanimate the battery. All these methods are used by drivers themselves at their own risk. The main thing is to follow these recommendations closely, and then there is a chance that the battery will come to life for many years and delight its owner.
So we figured out how to revive a maintenance-free car battery.
If your battery does not hold a charge, you have stopped starting the starter-do not rush to throw it, in most cases it can be restored and will serve several more seasons. And if the battery is imported, it can also survive a new one, of course it is cheap, perhaps due to malfunctions and poor storage, something has happened to it, we will analyze the main malfunctioning of the battery and how it can be repaired.
Sulfate plates are the most common cause of malfunctions of the old battery. At the same time, the battery capacity drops significantly, sometimes almost to zero, and of course, the battery power is not enough to keep the starter running.
Some car enthusiasts immediately blame the starter for this, but the starter needs a good starting current, 100 amps or more. And if not, excuse me-the starter has nothing to do with it. If you don't have a device to test the charging battery, get a working battery from your neighbor in advance and try to go there.
The second reason is the destruction of the coal plates, the crumbling of the plates. Such a battery can be restored in some cases, but not always. There is a sign of malfunction-dark electrolyte, almost black when charging.
The third is closing the plates in a particular section. It is also no problem to detect this malfunction, the section heats up and the electrolyte in the section usually evaporates. Rebuilding a battery with such a malfunction is more difficult, sometimes you need to change the plates in this section, but still cheaper than buying a new one.
The following malfunction is related to the discharge of improper use and storage of the battery. It is known that a discharged or semi-discharged battery can freeze in severe frost. And the problem is that when it freezes, the plates themselves and the battery case are damaged.
This leads to numerous short circuits between the plates, and when charging, the electrolyte boils very quickly. It is no longer possible to restore a battery. Therefore, caring car owners remove the battery in winter and store it somewhere in a warm room.
Let's now move on to battery recovery. Let's start with more serious malfunctions - crumbling and closing the plates. Charging such a battery is not worth it, it will do nothing, but rather the opposite. You must first rinse with distilled water until all dirt is removed. Do not be afraid to turn the battery. If there is a lot of debris, the plates have collapsed - this is probably hopeless. Often, after removing the crumbled particles, the short circuit disappears.
So, the same technology to recover a lead-acid battery:
1. We take a fresh electrolyte (density 1.28 G / cc) and dissolve the desulphation additive in it (the additive takes 2 days to dissolve). All the nuances of the additive, how much is needed, depending on the volume of the battery, read and follow the instructions.
2. Fill the battery with electrolyte, check the density with a density meter, it should be a rating of 1.28 g / cc.
3. Unscrew the plugs and connect the charger. Now we need to perform some charge-discharge cycles to restore battery capacity. We charge with some electricity, about 1/10 of the maximum. The battery itself must not heat or boil.
When the voltage at the battery terminals reaches 13.8 - 14.4 V, the charging current is reduced by 2 times and we measure the density of the electrolyte. If the density has not changed after 2 hours, you can view it as charged and turn off the charge.
4. We now perform the adjustment of the electrolyte. The density is increased to 1.28 g / cc by adding distilled water or a high density electrolyte (1.40 g / cc).
5. The next step is relaxation. We connect the load (resistor or light bulb) and to limit the current to about 1A and 0.5 A for a 6-Volt battery, wait until the voltage at the terminals to 10.2 V, for a 6-Volt battery-5, 1V. we have measured the time that the load was connected. This is an important parameter for measuring battery capacity. The discharge current multiplied by the discharge time we get the capacity of our battery. If it is below the rated value, we repeat the charge-discharge cycle until the battery capacity approaches the rated value.
6. There you have it, the recovery process of the battery is completed, we will add the electrolyte to be a little more desulfurization additive, and tighten the caps. A battery can last more than a year.
There is another way to restore car batteries faster in 1 hour. It includes the following elements:
The battery is charged as far as possible, then the old electrolyte is drained and washed 2-3 times with distilled water. Then a special solution is poured, the 2 wt. - %Trilon B and 5 wt. - % Ammonia contains. We wait, the desulphation time is 40 to 60 minutes and you can see how the reaction works.
In some cases, the desulphation process must be repeated. When done, drain the solution and rinse 2-3 times with distilled water. Then fill the electrolyte, charge the battery with the rated current ...
And finally, a few tips for proper care behind the battery.
To keep the battery running for a long time, regularly check the electrolyte level and density every few months. As a rule, the electrolyte evaporates due to overload or summer heat, then you need to refill with distilled water.
In winter, in cold weather, when it is necessary to drive, increase the electrolyte density to 1.40 g / cc, but no more!
Charge your battery with a nominal current of 0.1 of its capacity in amp-hours, i.e. if its capacity is 55 A / h, charge it with 5.5 amps.
Do not leave the battery in an unheated garage in Winter. It can freeze and become unusable. Not all batteries can withstand frost from -20 to 25 degrees, especially when discharged.
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